The Novels

Economics 101, a Novel (Rough Draft) -- My first sustained attempt at a novel, two-thirds finished in rough draft, and heading a little too far south.
What would you do if you and your study partner, with whom you had been seriously discussing marriage, suddenly found yourselves all alone together on a desert island? Study economics?
Sociology 500, a Romance (Second Draft) -- The first book in the Economics 101 Trilogy.(On hold.)
Karel and Dan, former American football teammates and now graduate students, meet fellow graduate students Kristie and Bobbie, and the four form a steady study group.

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Sociology 500, a Romance, ch 1 pt 1 -- Introducing Bobbie

TOC Well, let's meet Roberta Whitmer. Bobbie entered the anthropology department office and looked around. Near the receptionis...

Friday, April 19, 2019

[Backup] Water and Earth, Prologue, scene 13.70 -- Debriefing

[JMR20190506: Backing up Water and Earth:
(originally from
Original of this scene written February to April 2019.
Previous: To the Third 
and Fourth Generation
Table of Contents

From within the forest, four wild boars watch the group of students and their teacher leave. As the group disappears around a bend, the amber gilt nuzzles the ebony barrow's neck, and he nuzzles back. After a few nuzzles and nips, they back away, grunting, then turn to the other pair, who hesitate, then approach and join in nuzzling.

Shortly, four Xhilrans stand in the shade of the forest.

Earth Prince grins. "Nuzzling is fun."

Water Princess smiles shyly, looking down at the grass. "But staying in that form would be dangerous. I'm not sure I'd be able to control my, uhm, natural instincts."

"We changed back too soon?"


"Animals have different rules." She pauses. "Sorry."

"Yeah. Much as I like your mom's ideas, I do agree with you, Dŵr. No" Earth Prince chuckles, and the four join in. He continues, "Just as well it's not yet rutting season."

"I shouldn't tease, honey. But I do like your new prince."

Earth Prince clears his throat. Water Princess squeezes his hand while reaching out to give her mother a hug.

"Maybe we should go see what we can copy from the markers," Water Princess's father suggests.

Earth Prince looks at the position of the sun. "I've still got an hour."

The four head back into the woods, retracing their steps.

"Well, I think we did a good job."

"Thanks Mom. We need to thank the real boars, too, if we can find their sounder."

Earth Prince holds branches out of the way as the others pass. "Yeah. I was a bit worried about the methods, but this avoided the appearance of magic. Magic would have caused problems."

Water Princess's father holds branches in turn. "I think at least two of their group are thinking there was magic involved."

The two men stop and nod to each other, then move on.

"Professor Parry." Earth Prince's expression turns a bit pensive. "She was one of my favorite teachers when I started the upper forms. She reached out to the students who didn't fit in."

Water Princess nods. "That must be disappointing. But I don't think she's a bad person, so much as confused."

"Yeah. But I think I need to visit her."

観 -- That is correct.

"She needs some kind of support. I'll go with you."

"If you need, we can too," Water Princess's mother suggests.

"Thanks. I'm not sure a crowd's a good idea, though."

使 -- It will likely require more than one visit.

"Should I go alone the first time?"

助 -- Water Princess can help you.

"It's a date."

They break through, into the gravesite clearing.

"There's Professor Parry's dagger."  Water Princess's father walks over and picks it up. He frowns as he examines it. "Can't leave it just lying around."

助 -- We can take care of that.

He thoughtfully hands the dagger, handle first, to the messenger. The messenger accepts it, removes her pack, pulls a long cravat from it, and proceeds to wrap the dagger. Once the blade is protected, she stores it in her pack.

助 -- When necessary, the blade can be returned to any of you four.

観 -- Water Princess, what are your opinions of the work you have just done?

"If I had been more prepared, I think I'd have just asked the boars."

観 -- Do you think you could have been sufficiently prepared?

"Good question. I was just following the ideas in my heart."

使 -- Could you have done better?

Water Princess and Earth Prince look at each other. Earth Prince shakes his head slowly.

"It's always possible to do better." Water Princess purses her lips thoughtfully.

"Until the job is done. It was sufficient," Earth Prince says with a wry smile.

使 -- Earth Prince is right. 

"And follow-up is always necessary, anyway." Water Princess nods in acceptance of her own words as she speaks.

助 -- To what object, the follow-up?

Water and Earth look at each other and nod, then speak in unison -- "To confirm Agnes's decision, and to try to help Professor Parry believe that magic is not the path she seeks."

助 -- Correct. You may now proceed with the business of the day.

Earth Prince looks at the sun through the trees, then frowns and pulls out his hand-held terminal to check the time. "Now I've only got a half an hour before I have to head in to the shop to open up. Let's start copying."

As the four spread get their notepads out of their packs, Water Princess's father says, "Speaking of your shop, I need a secure connection today. Can I drop by later?"


Water Princess's mother suggests, "Let's all head back, over to your shop, in half an hour. We can come back again when Ceri and Morris and maybe some of the other members of the ward can come with us."

"Good idea." Earth Prince laughs. "We need to dispel the rumors about the odd things that happen here."

A snuffling sound is heard, and Water Princess looks around. At the sight of a tusked, furry head, she holds out her hand and snuffles in return. The members of the sounder wander into the clearing, and the four Xhilrans snuffle their thanks them for help given, then turn to their note taking while the boars dig in the grass and around the stones for grubs.

Table of ContentsNext: Beryl

[JMR2019: Backed up here:

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